Buy Neuro & Neuropsychiatric Medicines Online In India - Medimny


LEVIGRESS 500MG contains Levetiracetam which is an anti-epileptic medicine used to treat seizures (fits). It is used in combination with other medications to treat certain types of seizures in adults and children with epilepsy. It decreases abnormal excitement in the brain. This medicine is used for the form of epilepsy where the fits initially affect only one side of the brain but could thereafter extend to larger areas on both sides of the brain. It is prescribed by your doctor to reduce the number of fits.

Epilepsy is a common chronic disorder that requires long-term antiepileptic drug therapy.  Seizures can happen when the electrical signals and chemicals are not working properly in brain cells. This medicine works by attaching to a protein (called SV2A) on the surface of nerve cells in the brain. This suppresses the transmission of nerve signals in the brain and prevents the spread of electrical signals causing seizures.

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